fruiting and pinning




more gigs
Very prolific musicians at a reasonable rate.

Yakkida! [Leeds]
The joy of putting sounds near each other to see what happens. Nice one, cheers!
Very prolific, also heard in Cowtown, Garbage Pail Kids, Basic Switches, Drum Wife.

Zero Gravity Tea Ceremony [Bristol]
Schlepping an actual gong from Bristol to Leeds as performance art. Anti-capitalist ritual ambient.
Very prolific, also heard in im dead, Häul, releasing tapes as half of Liquid Library.

Carnivorous Plants [Bristol]
All music swirl. 1 part guitar, 1 part fx, 1 part omnivore.
Very prolific, just look at that discography. Also releasing tapes as the other half of Liquid Library.

Dundass [Sheffield]
Synths controlled by pixel-mapped fabric.
Against knob-twiddling.
Very prolific, also heard in Trve Yorkshire Kvlt Ensemble, Doom Roost, Lo Egin, releasing tapes as don't drone alone.

Wednesday 15 May 2024, from 7.30pm
£8 waged / £4 unwaged
Not one turned away for lack of funds
Fox & Newt
9 Burley St, Leeds LS3 1LD